Solidarity from Tescom Hellas to the earthquake victims of Turkey

The thoughts of all our company's employees are close to all our fellow human beings who have literally lost the earth beneath their feet.

Solidarity from Tescom Hellas to the earthquake victims of Turkey

The unspeakable tragedy that struck the Turkish people last Monday shocked us and reminded us how human beings are and must be at the centre of every action and every moment of our lives. Tescom Hellas, responding to the call for solidarity and help to the Turkish people, has donated a significant amount of money as financial aid for those affected by the earthquake, hoping with its contribution that it will alleviate the suffering of many of our fellow human beings in the region. The thoughts of all the employees of our company are close to all our fellow human beings who have literally lost the earth beneath their feet. We pray for those who have been lost and wish the survivors will soon find the strength to overcome this unimaginable ordeal. Good Strength to the Turkish people!